Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Regarding KTVs

k. my mom just emailed me and asked approximately 1,057 quesions about KTVs. for your convenience, i've included the wikipedia article on KTV. remember- wikipedia is your friend. just click on the title above- "Regarding KTVs" and it'll send you to wikipedia. i'll answer her questions as they appeared for everyone's benefit. (ps, mom, you can just write questions like that in the comments section under each entry in my blog) What does KTV stand for? Korean television? NO. BUT GOOD GUESS. KARAOKE TELEVISION Are there individual party rooms and your group had one, with a Chinese group next door? YES Is it like racquetball courts where there's a huge window to see into the room? THE RACQUETBALL COURTS AT BYU HAVE THE WORLD'S SMALLEST WINDOW AND YOU HAVE TO BEND IN HALF TO SEE INTO THE ROOMS. IF THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE REFERRING TO, THEN YES. Is this television the one that has the lyrics on it? YES Why then would they dance with one hand on it? BECAUSE THEY WERE DRUNK AND CHINESE. Can you see anyone on the screen? ONLY KOREAN SINGERS, BACKUP DANCERS, AND ANIMATED DANCING GIRLS (TRENT'S FAVORITE) Did you go with just your BYU group, or are there others from other universities that you're hanging out with? BEN, A FRIEND OF GREG'S FROM ENGLAND, CAME WITH US TOO.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, precious son, for answering my questions. Now would you tell me a little about your classes and Nanjing itself???

Anonymous said...

yes, i am on a non-ldsmail.net website, behold my apostateness! dude, partying it up with a bunch of borachos? oddly enough, it sounds like a lot of fun.

Annieofbluegables said...

your mom sent me this link! How fun. I sent the link to Dan, I am sure he will be interested in what you are up to. It sounds like so much fun!
I am excited to read about your experiences.

Anonymous said...


You tell me that if I want to ask about or discuss your blog, I should do so by posting a comment. Then I so do and you don't approve it. Was my comment not pithy enough for your taste?